A gallery of endeavours, both grand and humble, where ideas take shape and creativity finds its form. Each project is a labour of love, crafted with diligence and a touch of whimsy. From the practical to the experimental, these creations are a reflection of my passion for innovation. Do explore, and perhaps you'll find something that sparks your curiosity.
Project 🍕
- 网易云无损解析
如果你苦于没有黑胶会员或者想要转战本地播放器, 不妨试试这个网站, 它可以下载无损音乐
- Discord 表情贴纸下载器
- 服务器监控面板
- flex 试验场
这是学 css 时老师给的试验场, 之前 gitee 也有一份, 还有在线站点, 不过已经下线好久了, 自己搭了一个, 虽然学了很久了, 但是时不时还是会用到.
- Wonderland tea party
这是我自己写的ai聊天应用, 目前还不支持游客模式, 所以你点开也是什么都做不了的 XD