A hall of camaraderie, where kindred spirits and fellow wanderers of the digital realm are warmly welcomed. This page is a testament to the connections forged across the vast expanse of the internet. Should you wish to join this fellowship, do drop a line—I'd be delighted to make your acquaintance.
Guidelines for Friendship Links
Before applying for a friendship link, kindly ensure that your site has already added a link to mine. Should you remove my link after approval, I shall regrettably reciprocate in kind.
Please ensure your website is free from politically sensitive content, illegal material, excessive advertisements, malicious software, or scripts. Additionally, any republished articles must duly credit their original source.
At present, I am unable to accept friendship link requests from commercial or non-personal websites.
As this blog is primarily focused on technology, non-technical blogs may not be considered for approval.
How to Apply
Should you wish to exchange friendship links, please modify the friend section of the configuration file, submit a PR, and kindly state your intentions.
I highly recommend applying via PR, as other methods cannot guarantee immediate attention to your request.
A Note on Style
Unlike most blogs in the region, this blog employs rectangular buttons for friendship links (minimum resolution: 176 x 62px). Alternatively, you may simply provide a link to your square avatar in the button field, and it will be centered by default. (Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like me to craft a rectangular button for you—I shall gladly assist, time permitting.)
# Application form
name: "your name",
url: "your link",
button: "your button image"
name: "sooooooooooooooooootheby", # or s22y
url: "http://blog.sooooooooooooooooootheby.top/",
description: "Go to the pier and get some fries",
button: "https://blog.sooooooooooooooooootheby.top/friend/Sooooooooooooooooootheby.webp",
avatar: "https://blog.sooooooooooooooooootheby.top/logo_small.webp"