  • I am Sooooooooooooooooootheby —— a name as whimsically elongated as the winding lanes of the English countryside. Should you find its grandeur a touch excessive, you may, with a dash of casual charm, simply call me s22y. I hail from the picturesque region of Guangxi in China, where the hills roll like the verses of a romantic poem. At present, I am immersed in my studies at a Technical school, with my gaze fixed upon the 2025 The Examination for Promotion from Junior College to Bachelor's Degree in Regular Higher Education. Though, I must confess, the path ahead seems as uncertain as the British weather.

  • My heart beats with a fervent passion for the art of web front-end development, where I wield Vue.js and Nuxt.js with a certain finesse. My repertoire extends to the realms ofthe backend as well, where I dabble in the likes of MySQL and conjure servers with Node.js, as one might craft a potion in a wizard's lair.

  • In the quietude of my leisure, I indulge in the creation of various contraptions—some of utility, others of whimsy. I extend an invitation to peruse my Github repository, where these creations reside. Should they prove to be of service to you, it would bring me no small measure of joy.

  • About my technical repertoire:

  • Adjusts monocle and sips coffee with quiet humility. ☕
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